Well - kitty Peeps,
I hope you enjoyed all the recent kitty festivities at this years' CAT LOVERS' BLOG HOP. I know I did :-D
Here I am with your reminder of the final week here at CHALLENGE # 35 FURRYTHING GOES/ MEOWLOWEEN.
All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature:-) You may use any Kitty images you like to play along. There are some FUR-EEBIES up the top on the Freebies page if you would like a kitty to play with.
I have made are a pair of teeny cross stitch characters I have made and I called the The Katensteinz LoL
They just about fit onto ATC cards :-)
Then I realized I cut the boy out completely wrong...... he should have more space above him not below so I had to make a teeny label - Now they don't look so good together !!! Duh :-(
So it's now your turn. You have 3 WEEKS for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 5th NOVEMBER 2018.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick like :-)
You will find Mr LICKY on Week 1's posting HERE.
Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking Back-linking. !!
Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends :-D
We now have 180 Feline Followers and our next Purr-ize will be fur when we reach 200 so don't fur-get to go tell all your furry kitty loving fur-ends to come join us. :-)
HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone and stay safe out there :-)

Challenges I am entering:
Lost Coast Designs #63 - Cats & Dogs 1/11