MEOW-lo Kitty Peeps,
Welcome to the new Challenge here at SUYP - CHALLENGE #58 FURRYTHING GOES =^..^=
So, fur-stly let us say big purrs to the Winner of Challenge #57. We had a fur-bulous amount of entries =^..^= Thank you all.
Our Winner of Challenge #57 is ........

Please snag and purr-oudly display your Best Licks Badge from the SideBar.

Please snag and purr-oudly display your Winners' Badge from the SideBar.
Here are the TOP 3 LICKS ( in numerical order ) .........





Please snag and purr-oudly display your Best Licks Badge from the SideBar.
And now, on to our meuuw Challenge #58 ........
All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature . You can make anything you like - Cards, Journal pages, Mixed Media, Sewing etc. etc. so long as the main feature is a CAT =^..^=
Here is your FUR-EEBIE fur this month ..
This is ' Pumpkit ' from the " CELEBRATION CATS " set from IKEsART..

REMEMBER - NO PINNING, GOOGLE+ ing, or SHARING OF ANY KIND. THANK YOU :-D xxx If you want to show it anywhere, please use the Watermarked image.
This is ' Pumpkit ' from the " CELEBRATION CATS " set from IKEsART..

You can make any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges.
Here is your Purr-ize for this month
OK - now I know it says " Baby Raccoon " but I kinda thought it could look like a cat right ?... so I made this....................
I know he looks a bit frowny, but I had a major blobbing incident with my white pen when I went to 'dot' his eyes and it blobbed all over part of his face ( I think I got away with it ) hahaha :-D My Chemo treatment is making my finger pads go numb ( amongst other things ) so I'm not really good at doing crafting right now :-D
I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.
So, you have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 5th OCTOBER 2020.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick like :-)
Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking Back-linking. !!
Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends :-D