Meeeuuw - it's on to WEEK 4 of our current Challenge #10 - FURRY -THING GOES AGAIN .

All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature. It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.
Here is an easel card I made. The pieces of the cat and the checked base are made using pieces of cloth stitched to the card and I made a cloth rosette. These were all scraps from my sewing basket and I stuck on some googly eyes :-)
Please leave your Furrything Goes creations at WEEK 1's posting HERE. and don't furget to snag your FUR-EEBIES :-D x
You have until 3rd OCTOBER 2016 to purr along :-)
Don't fur-get there is a 50% off SALE over at IKEsART digital images and there is a DT Call over at IKEsWORLD CHALLENGES.