Hello Furry Peeps,
I hope you all had a purr-fect festive season ? :-D
I am popping in to say that we are have a fur-bulous amount of kitty entries so fur, and to say that CHALLENGE # 2 will start on TUESDAY 5th JANUARY 2016.
I have another fur-tastic Sponsor fur you and now that my purr-cels have been delivered, I have some superb Prizes fur our fur-ture Challenges :-)
To add your entry please click HERE.
Here are some snaps of some of my little Furry People to show you :-D
SHRODINGER - on a grumpy day :-)
LOUIS - purr-manent Foster from a friend
WIDGET - having an... 'if I fitz I sitz' moment :-D
PITSIRIKI when I first got him for hand-rearing !!!
DUDE - pretending to be fruit !
SCOOBY -sadly no longer here
KOLIN pretending to be a parcel
GHANDI wanting to be a parcel too :-D
Well - that's all fur now Folks - I will see if I can snap some of the others later :-D
Thanks fur dropping by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx