MEOW-llo Kitty Peeps and welcome to WEEK 5 of the latest Challenge here at SUYP - CHALLENGE # 18 FURRYTHING GOES /BIRTHDAY :-)
I am very excited to tell you that SUYP is being Sponsored all month by the wonderful FIKI of BAD KITTY's CRAFT ROOM.
Now - I don't know if you already knew but FIKI has opened up a new CRAFT SHOP called the CRAFTY KITTY CAT SHOP so why not pop over and have a browse :-) I am waiting for a little parcel to come cuz I treated myself last week LoL
Since Fiki, her daughter Paola and I all had our Birthdays in May, our theme is..............................................
All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature, and can be Furrything Goes or Birthdays :-) You may use any Kitty images you like to play along. There are some FUR-EEBIES up the top on the Freebies page if you would like a kitty to play with.
This week I used Cats 1 - a three cat image and the backing is a freebie paper from MEINLILAPARK which is called "Walking Cat Paper", and "Fishbones " and I made a frame out of them.
I 'paper pieced' the kitties using photos of real kitty fur and then made a little sentiment tag.
I 'paper pieced' the kitties using photos of real kitty fur and then made a little sentiment tag.
Meow it's your turn - you can make any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges.
I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.
So, you have just 1 more week for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 5th JUNE 2017.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick like :-)
Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking Back-linking. !!
Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends :-D
Just a reminder that my new SHOP is open and now has INSTANT DOWNLOAD facility after payment :-)
We are already up to 136 furbaliscious Followers, and there will be a little Candy Prize when we get to 150.