MEOW-lo Kitty Peeps.
Welcome to WEEK 4 of our current Challenge here at SUYP - CHALLENGE # 31 FURRYTHING GOES.
All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature:-) You may use any Kitty images you like to play along. There are some FUR-EEBIES up the top on the Freebies page if you would like a kitty to play with.
I used to write an Edgar Allan POE Challenge Blog with some wonderful ladies who like Gothic and the slightly darker side of crafting. POE's stories and poems were always a little morbid, dark and sad.
Here is a page I made to illustrate his story 'The Black Cat'.
The set up of the story is nice and friendly. The narrator’s childhood sounds loving and the description of his love of animals paints a picture of a kind household, full of life. But because of the introduction, we know to be suspicious of this happy family scene.
The narrator zooms in on the cat, Pluto. Though he assures us that his wife’s superstitions are unimportant, the mention of them increases the sense of foreboding we already have for the titular black cat.The narrator is tormented by his own mind. It is not the cat’s behavior that provokes his feeling of perverseness, it is his own disordered mental state. The cat is both a supernatural rival revealing his crime, and a symbol of his tortured conscience, suddenly revealing all that he has done.
This is an interesting take on the traditional Gothic genre: adding psychological explanations to the mix, such as the description of perversity, creates the opportunity for the reader to sympathize with the narrator, that isn't traditionally a feature of Gothic tales of past eras.
So it's now your turn. You have 1 WEEK for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 2nd JULY 2018.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick like :-)
Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking Back-linking. !!
You will find Mr Licky on WEEK 1
Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends :-D
We now have 164 Feline Followers and our next Purr-ize will be fur when we reach 200 so don't fur-get to go tell all your furry kitty loving fur-ends to come join us. :-)