
Monday 29 February 2016


MeeeooooooW !!!  - we had a fur-bulous response to the last Cats Challenge - #3 Kitty Love. :-) Thank you so much fur all your entries and support.
The WINNER - chosen by Mr Random is..............................................

Congratulations and please contact IKE for details on how to claim your Purrize.
Please snag and purr-oudly display your Winners' Badge from the SideBar.
And now, on to our meuuw Challenge  #4 -  LUCKY KITTY .
All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature and something to do with LUCK or St Patrick's  Day or a lucky charm or  lucky Kitty you have etc. etc. It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.

This month I am proud to say that the Kitties are being Sponsored by KNITTY KITTIES, who have kindly offered 3 single Digital Images from their Shop to the lucky Winner - I shall keep my Stamp Prize for you for the next Challenge:-D 
'Eekers' has such gorgeously cute Kitty images in there and I want to buy the whole Shop !!!!!   :-D 
Prize; 3 Single Digital Images

It was very kind of them to give me a digi and I am going to make that up into a creation that I shall show you next week. That will give me time to do it proper justice :-)

So, here is the card I made using this month's FUR-EEBIE image from IKEsART ...... He is wearing a little Shamrock charm on his collar.
I also used papers and elements from " Luck O' The Irish " set from Scrapper's Emporium.
March is a 5  Tuesday month, so you will see 5 different creations from me :-D 

Here is your FUR-EEBIE fur this month - courtesy of IKEsART..... created especially fur you.....................   " LUCKY KITTY ".


Just click to enlarge and then Save wherever you want it.
REMEMBER - NO PINNING, GOOGLE+ ing, or SHARING OF ANY KIND. THANK YOU  :-D xxx  If you want to show it anywhere, please use the Watermarked image.

So, you have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 4th APRIL  2016.

Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick  like  :-)

Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking  Back-linking. !!

Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends  :-D
We are already up to 77 furbaliscious Followers, and there will be a little Candy Prize when we get to 100 :-)

Monday 22 February 2016


Meowlo my little Furry Friends,

Since this is week 4 - I thought I would slink by with a little creation to (s)purr you along and get you Cat-ified in our KITTY LOVE CHALLENGE. :-D

I used 'Calico Cat colour' from the " CATTITUDE Set" new release at BECCY's PLACE. This kitty obviously Soooooo LOVES herself that I thought she would be purr-fect for the challenge :-D  !!!!! hahahaha

I layered it on some freebie PawPrint paper from MEINLILAPARK, and some lovely red crown paper which I am not sure where it came from.  I also gave her a free clipart Crown :-D

So - all you have to do fur this Challenge is purr-oduce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature and slap in a heart or some kisses etc. - something to do with Love or Valentines Day . It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some, and there is a new exclusive FREEBIE on WEEK 1 which you could use for this Challenge :-)

So, you have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 29th  FEBRUARY 2016.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick  like  :-)

Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell your all your kitty loving friends  :-D

We are already up to 74 furbaliscious Followers, and there will be a little Candy Prize when we get to 100 :-)

Monday 15 February 2016


Hi there and welcome to our furbulous Challenge #3 - KITTY LOVE.
 Did you see that we are up to 73 fur-tastic Followers already ?? :-D        
I reckon we will have a little celebration when we reach 100 - some Prizes and schtuff aifinkso :-)

Soooo - we are now into WEEK 3 of our current Challenge...

All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature and something to do with Love or Valentines Day. It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.

I made this card using papers from JLJ DESIGNS  and the sweet kitty image is from  ROBYN's FETISH and is called " PUSSY CAT LUV ".
I coloured them with Copics and then fussy cut them. I stiched 2 background papers to card and added a paper doily, then put the cats on top with a hand-made sentiment :-)

Here's a couple more I made this week for Challenges :-D  I don't DO smushy Valentine schtuff as you can probably tell  !!! LoL 

You have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 29th  FEBRUARY 2016.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick  like  :-)

Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking  Back-linking. !!

Mr LICKY can be found HERE. and don't forget to snag your Kitty FREEBIE  xxxxxx

Monday 8 February 2016


Hi there and welcome to our furbulous Challenge #3 - KITTY LOVE.
 Did you see that we are up to 72 fur-tastic Followers already ?? :-D  I reckon we will have a little celebration when we reach 100 - some Prizes and schtuff aifinkso :-)

Soooo - we are now into WEEK 2 of our current Challenge...

... and I have made a little stitched creation fur inspurr-ation this week.

This was made using a stitching pattern from FORM-A-LINES called " Fanciful Cats Set " by DJ Designs. There are two other patterns which I shall be making up this week to show you soon. :-) You can visit their Store HERE.

I stitched them with just 2 threads of ordinary sewing cotton and then added some teeny googly eyes :-)

All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature and something to do with Love or Valentines Day. It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.

You have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 29th  FEBRUARY 2016.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick  like  :-)

Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking  Back-linking. !!

Mr LICKY can be found HERE.

Tuesday 2 February 2016


MeeeooooooW !!!  - we had a fur-bulous response to the 2nd Cats Challenge - thank you so much fur all your entries and support. A big THANK YOU too goes to our Sponsor for Challenge #2 -  KRISTY from FUN STAMPERS JOURNEY.

The WINNER - chosen by Mr Random is..............................................

Congratulations and please contact IKE for details on how to claim your Purrize.
Please snag and purr-oudly display your Winners' Badge from the SideBar.

And now, on to our meuuw Challenge  #3 - KITTY LOVE.

All you have to do fur this Challenge is produce a creation which has a CAT as the main feature and something to do with Love or Valentines Day. It can be any type of purr-oject and you may use ANY images you like fur these Challenges. I have some FUR-EEBIES fur you, so have a look up top of the Blog if you want to snag some.
Here is your FUR-EEBIE fur this month - courtesy of IKEsART..... created BRAND NEW exclusively for you..................... " KITTY LUV "...


Just click to enlarge and then Save wherever you want it.

REMEMBER - NO PINNING, GOOGLE+ ing, or SHARING OF ANY KIND. THANK YOU  :-D xxx  If you want to show it anywhere, please use the Watermarked image.

I have made a card using my -new  meeuuw Woodware stamp set called Mr & Mrs Cat.

I have been trawling the craft shops for kitty related products and buying up some purr-fect gifties to offur you as Purr-izes and this time I offur you this....

Brand new, sealed tin of Cavallini & Co - Set of 3 wood mounted Rubber stamps featuring vintage Cat imagery.
(don't worry - I will post anywhere) 

So, you have 1 MONTH for your creation and the Linky will close at Midnight on Monday 29th  FEBRUARY 2016.
Come along then - out of those kitty baskets and sharpen up those claws. You may enter as many times as you lick  like  :-)

Meeuw creations only please - NO Back-licking  Back-linking. !!

Please spray us a nice calling card comment and make us purr with delight, and feel free to snag a Challenge Badge fur your Blog and go tell all your kitty loving friends  :-D
We are already up to 68 furbaliscious Followers, and there will be a little Candy Prize when we get to 100 :-)